Advocacy Case Files
We can help you navigate issues involving:
Workplace Discrimination
School Bullying
Unaccepting Family Members
Harassment & Domestic Violence
By being your advocate, we can stand beside you and help improve your situation. If applicable, we can also connect you to LGBTQ+ resources for your legal or healthcare needs.
If you are in need of advocacy services, contact us.
Our Policy Squad consists of LGBTQ+ policy experts and other volunteer activists throughout the state who take the lead on voter education and LGBTQ+ legislative issues at the local, state and federal level.
We also represent the needs of the LGBTQ+ community on several alliances, committees & councils.
Additionally, we work with churches/religious organizations and government institutions (including schools) to help navigate LGBTQ issues and implement inclusive policies.
If you are interested in volunteering on our Policy Squad, sign up here.
If you are a church/religious organization, government institution, or school looking for help navigating LGBTQ+ issues, contact us.

Name Change Guide
Check Out Our Name Change Guide for information on navigating the name-change process in Michigan.
After you've read the guide, you can find many of the court forms and other relevant links here.
For many, changing their name is an important part of the gender affirmation process, which can also help lower suicide attempts. Additionally, changing a person's name to closer match their gender identity can reduce unintentional outing, reduce the risk of bullying and discrimination and more.

What's the Tea on HIV?
Our HIV programing aims to destigmatize HIV/AIDs, while also working to prevent it's spread through education and health resources.

Referrals & LGBTQ+ Safe Space Resource Guide
We find and vet LGBTQ+ affirming services throughout the state to refer our clients to, including:
Mental Health Providers
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Gender Affirmation Services
General Healthcare
Addiction Services
LGBTQ+ Youth & Adult Homeless Services
Food & Housing Services
Legal Services
To be connected to LGBTQ+ Resources and Safe Spaces, contact us.
To view the LGBTQ+ Safe Space Resource Guide, click here.
To be added to our Safe Space Resource Guide, fill out this form. Following approval, information to process the initial $10 donation will be sent to the email on file. Annual renewals are a $5 donation.