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Official Statement on Overturn of Roe v. Wade & Threats to Gay Marriage

Updated: Apr 29, 2024

Chosen Family of Michigan is deeply saddened by the overturn of Roe v. Wade & the impact this will have on people across our country, especially in regard to private medical decisions. Although we won't debate the closely held religious beliefs of individuals, CFM looks to the science as well as the advice of medical professionals. We know these decisions are often difficult & are usually made in challenging medical circumstances, which is why the right to make these decisions with a medical expert is a right that should never be challenged.

Gender & anatomically based rights are LGBTQ+ rights, which is why every person in our community should be concerned by this decision. We are also deeply disturbed by the comments made by Justice Clarence Thomas, outlining his desire that Obergefell v. Hodges be reviewed, which puts gay marriage at risk of being overturned. CFM will be proactive in protecting this right in the State of Michigan.

We are encouraged by the injunction on the Michigan law that bans abortion, temporarily allowing for abortion procedures while the law is debated in state court. We also are encouraged by the Michigan Attorney General's refusal to prosecute doctors & patients in regard to abortion. Additionally, we are hopeful that the Reproductive Freedom ballot initiative will be put to the voters of our state this November. It's going to take funding & engaged volunteers to protect the right to make private medical decisions & to protect LGBTQ+ rights.

Please help us continue to fight by making a tax-deductible donation at

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