We are pleased to provide an update on Public Act 87 of 2024, which was previously House Bill 4718. This legislation was signed into law by Governor Whitmer, banning the “gay panic defense.” Long used in many states, we know that fearing gay people is not an excuse to commit a crime, but we know it has been used time and time again as a defense. Notably, a similar defense was used in the State of Wyoming in the late 1990's as a defense for the individuals who attacked Matthew Shepard and left him to die.
Unfortunately, but perhaps not shockingly, many members voted against this progress. We must support pro-equity candidates up and down the ballot this November.
This progress falls directly into CFM’s vision of “A Michigan that uplifts the LGBTQ+ community through equity, understanding & opportunity.” We applaud it.
Help us continue to fight by making a tax-deductible donation at chosenfamilyofmichigan.org