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Statement on Continued Attacks Against LGBTQ+ Community


Within our January 21st statement, we expressed our disappointment when President Trump rescinded Former President Biden's Executive Order that had explicitly allowed for transgender people to serve in the military, putting the ability for trans people to continue to serve at risk. This week, President Trump signed an Executive Order banning trans people from being able to serve in the military, continuing his crusade against equality and dignity. When we discriminate against qualified individuals willing to serve our country, our nation is less safe.

President Trump then signed an Executive Order instructing federal agencies to stop financially supporting gender affirming care for those 19 and under. First and foremost, we are shocked that this order doesn't just apply to those who are minors, but to legal adults who are 18. We are also worried that this order could be used to stop federal support of counseling, and other forms of non-medical transitioning. It's important to note that medical transitioning including hormone blockers and surgery are uncommon in minors, as there is scientific data suggesting that medical transitioning individuals prior to and during puberty could have adverse effects. However, an all-out ban circumvents a doctor's expertise in regard to a patient's individual situation. Major medical associations around the U.S. and world support gender-affirming care as a science-based best-practice. Chosen Family of Michigan has always preferred non-medical transitioning for minors, as we know there are many other ways to affirm transgender youth while their bodies are actively developing, including gender affirming haircuts, makeup, clothes, pronouns, packing underwear and more. We believe this Executive Order not only undermines medical expertise but also misrepresents to the American people that transgender youth are being pressured into medical transitioning, further fanning the flames of a culture war. Further, it distracts people from issues that most Americans actually care about, while further degrading our community simply because we do not love or identify within the traditional confines of what is expected for binary gender roles. It is clear this order was not truly to protect developing bodies from potentially adverse effects, as this is just one additional piece in his hate-filled puzzle of removing the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ Americans and our ability to live, love, and express ourselves in a way that best suits how we feel.

President Trump proceeded to sign another order that aims to cut federal funding to K-12 schools that have certain curriculum related to gender and race, while also instructing the Department of Justice to go after teachers who support trans students by using preferred names and pronouns. While we expect this order to face legal headwinds, especially in States like Michigan that have protections for LGBTQ+ students, we are deeply concerned with how the federal government is seeking to control curriculum matters through the "power of the purse", when curriculum is a state issue as schools are state run.

In Michigan, the Republican-led Michigan House of Representatives has introduced legislation seeking to ban trans students in sports, and to prevent them from using bathrooms aligned with their gender identity, in violation of our state's civil rights law. Although this is unlikely to proceed due to having a pro-equity State Senate and Governor, it's important for Michiganders to understand what types of things could become law if we ever were to lose pro-equity people in the Senate or as Governor.

It is easy to become overwhelmed and confused with the onslaught of Executive Orders coming from the Trump Administration. Let us take this moment to remind you that we cannot check-out or stand down, and LGBTQ+ advocacy is now more important than ever. However, advocacy takes resources. While social media has become America's town square to shout opinions, impacting change takes more than a status update or a shared article. Even with all of these attacks against us, and energy from our community to fight back, Chosen Family of Michigan has not received any new donations since President Trump took office, we have not had any new volunteers join our cause, nor has any organization stepped up to sponsor our upcoming events. If you are reading this, we need your financial support. If you are unable to give financially, then contact us for volunteer options. Doing nothing is simply not an option. It's easy to be angry, and easy to want things to be different. Your role as donor and as a volunteer is vital to protecting our community and advancing our ideals. We cannot do this work if we don't have the support of our community. While pro-equity people are certainly not responsible for these hateful orders, refusing to fight back by not voting, not donating, and not volunteering is complacency. The LGBTQ+ community, our democracy, and freedom, liberty, law and order all require effort and collaboration.

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To advocate for the needs of the LGBTQ+ community, to educate the community at large to foster acceptance, to provide safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people to live authentically & to reduce LGBTQ+ youth homelessness. 


A Michigan that uplifts the LGBTQ+ community through equity, understanding & opportunity.

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