Chosen Family of Michigan continues to monitor anti-LGBTQ+ actions coming through Executive Order by President Trump.
First, it is being widely misreported that the President has rescinded the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972), which strengthened the 1964 Civil Rights Act by adding additional workplace protections for protected classes. An act, which was a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by a former President, cannot be rescinded by a President in an Executive Order. In fact, Donald Trump actually rescinded a prior Executive Order from President Lyndon Johnson called Equal Employment Opportunity (1965) that provided for non-discrimination within the federal government and within the federal contracting process. Although the Act and the Order have similar names, they do not have the same scope. While we are still saddened by this news, the LGBTQ+ community is still protected from discrimination in the workplace based on the Supreme Court “Bostock v. Clayton County” decision in 2020, and under Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act. Additional protected classes are covered by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, although unfortunately President Trump instructed federal departments to not extend sex-based discrimination in that act to sexual orientation and gender identity through a separate order we reported on in our last statement.
President Trump then banned LGBTQ+ Pride flags from being flown at U.S. Embassy's.
President Trump has spent his first 48 hours fanning the flames of a culture war, taking the focus off of issues that matter to most Americans and instead focusing on causing harm to diverse communities and degrading them.
While we respect the right of news outlets and social media influencers to stay vigilant and post on issues that matter to them, many of these actions are legally complex, and misreporting on these issues can contribute to heightened alarm, and misinform people on their rights, while also providing companies false license to discriminate. CFM will continue to provide updates and fight through misinformation by careful analysis and utilizing restraint.
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